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2 Liste der Fehlercodes des Windows-Geräte-Managers und ihrer Lösungen

Manchmal Ihre Gerätemanager auf Ihrem Windows 11/10-Computer kann einen Fehlercode melden. Wenn Sie einen hardwarebezogenen Fehler sehen, hilft Ihnen dieser Beitrag, die Ursache zu identifizieren und zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie das Problem beheben können.


Wenn einige Ihrer Geräte nicht ordnungsgemäß funktionieren, kann Ihnen die Ausführung der Problembehandlung für Hardware und Geräte, der Windows-USB-Problembehandlung usw. helfen. Wenn dies jedoch nicht der Fall ist, müssen Sie möglicherweise den mit Ihrem Problem verbundenen Fehlercode herausfinden und manuell zur spezifischen Fehlerbehebung gehen. In diesem Beitrag werden wir Ihnen mitteilen, wie Sie den Geräte-Manager-Fehler beheben können.

So finden Sie Fehlercodes im Geräte-Manager

Um den Fehlercode herauszufinden, öffnen Sie den Geräte-Manager und doppelklicken Sie auf den Gerätetyp, bei dem das Problem auftritt. Klicken Sie anschließend mit der rechten Maustaste auf das Gerät, bei dem das Problem auftritt, und klicken Sie dann auf Eigenschaften. Dadurch wird das Dialogfeld Eigenschaften des Geräts geöffnet. Sie können den Fehlercode im Bereich Gerätestatus dieses Dialogfelds sehen.

Liste der Fehlercodes des Windows-Geräte-Managers und ihrer Lösungen

Wir haben die meisten Fehlercodes unten zusammen mit den möglichen Lösungen aufgelistet. Die Fehlercodes, die eine erweiterte Fehlerbehebung erfordern, wurden im Beitrag verlinkt.

Möglicherweise müssen Sie Gerätetreiber aktualisieren oder installieren, die Problembehandlung für Hardware und Geräte ausführen oder die Systemwiederherstellung durchführen, wie in den Lösungen empfohlen.

Code 1: Dieses Gerät ist nicht richtig konfiguriert

Wenn Sie einen Geräte-Manager-Fehler erhalten Code 1 – Dieses Gerät ist nicht richtig konfiguriert, bedeutet dies, dass für die betreffende Hardware keine Treiber auf dem Computer installiert sind oder der Treiber nicht richtig konfiguriert ist, damit das Gerät funktioniert. Um das Problem zu beheben, öffnen Sie im Win + X-Menü den Geräte-Manager > Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Hardware, die das Problem verursacht, und wählen Sie Eigenschaften.

Klicken Sie auf Treiber aktualisieren. Dadurch wird intern mit Windows Update überprüft, ob der neueste funktionierende Treiber für diese Hardware installiert wird. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, weil entweder kein neuer Treiber vorhanden war oder sogar der neueste nicht funktioniert hat, müssen Sie ihn manuell aktualisieren.

Da die Aktualisierung des Treibers nicht funktioniert hat, müssen Sie den Treiber manuell von der OEM-Website herunterladen. Um zu erfahren, welche Version des Treibers installiert ist, gehen Sie zu Eigenschaften und überprüfen Sie die Version des Treibers. Gehen Sie zur OEM-Website und laden Sie entweder eine ältere Version oder eine neue Version herunter und installieren Sie sie manuell.

Code 3: Der Treiber für dieses Gerät ist möglicherweise beschädigt

Wenn Sie Code 3 für eines Ihrer Geräte erhalten, bedeutet dies, dass Sie entweder ein Registrierungsproblem oder ein Problem mit wenig Arbeitsspeicher haben. Die vollständige Fehlermeldung lautet:

Der Treiber für dieses Gerät ist möglicherweise beschädigt, oder Ihr System hat möglicherweise nur noch wenig Arbeitsspeicher oder andere Ressourcen. (Code 3)

Um dies zu beheben, gibt es einige Lösungen:

  • Speicher prüfen: Öffnen Sie den Task-Manager und prüfen Sie, ob Sie freien Speicher haben. Wenn nicht, können Sie einige Anwendungen schließen, die viel Speicher verbrauchen. Sie können auch die Einstellungen für Systemressourcen und virtuellen Speicher überprüfen und versuchen, sie zu erhöhen. Wenn auch dies nicht hilft, sollten Sie über eine Erhöhung des Arbeitsspeichers nachdenken. Dies wird Ihnen helfen, mehr Anwendungen zu starten und zu verwenden.
  • Treiber deinstallieren und neu installieren: Manchmal wird der Gerätetreiber beschädigt oder sogar die Registrierungseinträge stimmen nicht. Sie können versuchen, die Treiber zu deinstallieren und dann neu zu installieren. Wenn das nicht hilft, können Sie die Systemwiederherstellung versuchen, um zu einem Punkt zurückzukehren, an dem dieser Treiber funktioniert hat.

Code 9: Windows kann diese Hardware nicht identifizieren

Wenn Sie Fehlercode 9 sehen, kann Windows diese Hardware nicht identifizieren; dann gibt es ein Problem mit dieser bestimmten Hardware oder diesem Gerät. Die vollständige Fehlermeldung wird sagen

Windows cannot identify this hardware because it does not have a valid hardware identification number. For assistance, contact the hardware manufacturer.

Invalid Device ID means that the OS fails to recognize the hardware. While you may try to update the driver of that hardware, it will not work.  Windows Only installs drivers for the devices it recognizes.  So the best solution is to contact the hardware vendor and get it replaced as soon as possible.

Code 10: This device cannot start. Try upgrading the device drivers for this device.

The error message is generated when the Device Manager can’t start the hardware device due to outdated or corrupted drivers or temporary hardware failure.

This device cannot start. Try upgrading the device drivers for this device. (Code 10)

So if a simple restart doesn’t resolve the problem, then may have to  Uninstall/Update Device Drivers and run the Hardware Troubleshooter or USB Troubleshooter.

According to Microsoft,  OEMs are supposed to display the exact cause using the FailReasonString key. However, if the hardware key does not contain a “FailReasonString” value, the message above is displayed.

Code 14: This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer. To restart your computer now, click Restart Computer.

When you receive a Device Manager error Code 14, it means this device cannot work properly until you restart your computer. The error message expands to:

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This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer. To restart your computer now, click Restart Computer. 

To resolve this, simply restart your computer. You can either restart by going to Start > Shutdown > and select restart or use Alt + CTRL + Del to restart your Windows 10 PC.  In case you are stuck on either of them, just press the power button for a while until your PC shuts down. Then press the power button again to restart your PC.

Code 18: Reinstall the drivers for this device.

Sometimes a device will fail or stop working. On checking with their listing on the Device Manager, it will display the error-

Reinstall the drivers for this device (Code 18).

You can either reinstall the driver by manually checking for the update or remove the driver first and then choose to install it again.

  • Open Device Manager, and select the device in question. Right-click on it, and choose Update Driver. This will initiate Windows Update service, and look for an update. If available, it will install it.
  • The second method is where you choose to uninstall. Right-click on the device manager’s device and select uninstall once the installation is complete, select scan for hardware changes from the top item.

This will find that device again, and this time chooses to install the driver manually. You can try to download the driver from the OEM website, and when prompted to provide the driver’s path, browser, and select the driver you downloaded.

Code 19: Windows cannot start this hardware device

If you see a Code 19 Error message for a device in the device manager, it means the device’s configuration is incomplete or corrupted in the registry hive. The full error message would say—

Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)

The Primary reason for this to happen is when more than one service is set for one drive, and there is a failure opening the service key or retrieving the service key from the driver. When I say Service Key, it means that driver has a key to the form-


If this goes missing or is not defined properly, this error message shows up.

There are two ways to fix it. The first is to uninstall and reinstall a driver. The second method is to restore your Windows 10 computer to a point where this device was working properly.

Code 21: Windows is removing this device

This Error Code 21 shows up when Windows is in the process of removing a device, but the process is not yet complete; this error code is usually temporary and goes away with time, but if you managed to get your sharp eyes on this, then restart your Windows 10 PC a couple of times to remove this.

That said, if it still doesn’t resolve it for you can:

  • Try performing a clean boot of Windows 10 PC, and then reboot back using normal mode.
  • Run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter, and it should help you get rid of those messages.

This error is something you should be least bothered about.

Code 22: This device is disabled

If you are receiving this error on the description of the device listed under the device manager, then it simply means that the device has been disabled.

This device is disabled (Code 22)

A device can be disabled for many reasons. It could be because Windows did it when it encountered some serious problem or was disabled by the user in Device Manager.

To resolve this issue, find the device disabled in the device manager, right-click on it, and select the option “Enable Device.” In a moment, this will start the Enable Device Wizard. Follow the instructions, and the device will be back online.

Code 28: The drivers for this device are not installed

If you are receiving an error for one of the devices on your computer, then it simply means you need to install drivers manually. There is any number of reasons that a driver might not be installed for a device.

The drivers for this device are not installed (Code 28)

Before installing it, you may want to manually download the driver from the OEM or the hardware vendor’s website. Once the download is complete, follow this:

  • Open Device Manager (WIN + X + M, and find the device in question.
  • Right-click on the device, and delete it from the system.
  • Now go back to the top of the device manager, and right-click to initiate the Scan for hardware changes to reinstall the driver.
  • The computer will prompt you to provide the path of the driver. Navigate to the OEM file you downloaded.

Note: Sometimes, executing the EXE file is all you need to install the hardware driver.

Code 29: This device is disabled because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources.

Often, a device gets disabled with Device Manager Error Code 29 because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources. This is a low-level hardware problem that will need access to the BIOS. First, to resolve this issue, make a note of the device name, and then restart your computer. Press the DEL key or F12. This will take you to the BIOS. Now search for the devices list, and this device is in a disabled state. If yes, enable it.

In case it still doesn’t work, you may have to check the Manufacturers’s information about the device to see if there are special instructions given to configure it in the BIOS.

Code 31: This device is not working properly

If your device listed in Device Manager shows an Error Code 31, it simply means that the device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. While you may restart your computer multiple times to see if the error gets resolved, if it doesn’t, you will have to reinstall the drivers once again.

  • Open Device Manager, and then right-click on the device which is having this issue.
  • On the menu that appears, choose Update Driver to start the Hardware Update wizard.
  • While Windows Update should find a stable driver for you, in case it cannot, download new drivers from the OEM website and manually update it.

Code 33:  Windows cannot determine which resources are required for this device.

If you receive Windows cannot determine which resources are required for this device (Code 33) error for any device, it means the BIOS translator that determines the kind of resources required by the device has failed. The message will also say:

Windows cannot determine which resources are required for this device.

The only way out is to use the Setup Utility to reset everything or Update the BIOS. You will have download the latest BIOS file from the hardware vendor and then update it. Apart from this, you can also try to Configure, repair, or replace hardware.

If these don’t help, you may have to buy new hardware.

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Code 34: Windows cannot determine the settings for this device

Many devices on Windows use resources to execute what they are supposed to do. While Windows can automatically determine the resource for each of these devices, in case it fails, you get an Error Code 34. Full Error Message includes—

Windows cannot determine the settings for this device. Consult the documentation that came with this device and use the Resource tab to set the configuration. (Code 34)

Note: A resource is binary data that you can add to a Windows-based application’s executable file. It can be in the form of IO, Memory, or anything else.

While Windows can figure out and uses automatic settings, it is possible to configure it manually if it doesn’t work. However, you will need a device manual configuration. You can either find or ask the support team of OEM to help you with the hardware documentation for instructions on manually configuring the device.

Once you have configured, reboot your computer, and then check if it is working fine. To manually change the resource values, you need to switch to the device’s Resource tab in Device Manager. Switch from automatic to manual, and follow the documentation.

Code 35:  Your computer’s system firmware does not include enough information

The message is:

Your computer’s system firmware does not include enough information (Code 35)

It appears on one of the devices; it means that your computer’s firmware doesn’t have enough support or drivers to configure and use it properly. In short, the BIOS is outdated and needs to be updated.

When it happens, the MPS or the Multiprocessor System table that stores the BIOS resource assignments is missing an entry for your device and must be updated.

I recommend you to download the latest BIOS update from your computer’s OEM website. You will have to carefully figure out the right BIOS update for your computer, which depends on the motherboard version.

Code 36: This device is requesting a PCI interrupt

This device is requesting a PCI interrupt (Code 36) to appear on the device status when it is requesting a PCI interrupt but is configured for an ISA interrupt, and vice versa. This is a bit of a technical error code where you will need an admin or a person who understands this problem and take appropriate action.

Full error message goes as—

This device is requesting a PCI interrupt but is configured for an ISA interrupt (or vice versa). Please use the computer’s system setup program to reconfigure the interrupt for this device.

To resolve this, you will have to change the settings for IRQ reservations in the BIOS. Since BIOS varies for every OEM, it is best to see the hardware documentation or contact your computer’s manufacturer.

In case your BIOS comes with a setup tool, you can change the settings for IRQ reservations. On rare occasions, the BIOS might have options to reserve certain IRQs for peripheral component interconnect (PCI) or ISA devices.

Code 39:  Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware

When Windows uses a device, it loads its driver into memory and then communicates with the device. This is just like without a driver; you cannot run a car. If you are receiving an error code 39 for any device, this means Windows is not able to load the device driver. The full error messages say

Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)

The only recommended solution for this is to reinstall the driver for that device. You can also try removing the device completely, and then perform the scan for a hardware change, and then install the driver. Sometimes there are the latest drivers available with OEMs, and it makes more sense to use the latest driver for that device.

Code 40: Windows cannot access this hardware

If you are getting Windows cannot access this hardware (Code 40) error on one of your devices, it means that Windows cannot access that hardware. This Error shows up only when the device’s service key or subkey information in the registry is missing or recorded incorrectly. The only way to resolve this issue is to reinstall the device driver manually.

  • Open the device manager, and select the device in question.
  • Right-click on the device and select Uninstall from the menu that appears.
  • Next, choose Action on the menu bar, and select Scan for hardware changes to reinstall the driver.

Once the device is detected, Windows Update Service will find and install new drivers. However, if you have downloaded a stable version from the OEM website, you can choose to install it manually.

Code 41: Windows successfully loaded the device driver but cannot find the hardware

It appears for the devices which have plugged-in a non-plug and play device and have installed the driver. While the device driver for the hardware is loaded without an error, the Windows OS cannot find the hardware device.

The only solution is to remove and find the device manually. Follow the steps to reinstall it:

  • Open Device Manager using shortcut key Win + X + M
  • Right-click on the device for which you have Code 41 Error.
  • Select Uninstall from the menu that appears.
  • Once it is removed, click on the computer icon and right-click.
  • Now select Scan for hardware changes to reinstall the driver.

Once it finds the device, it will prompt you to install the driver as well. You can either install the driver, manually download from the OEM website, or let Windows Search for it. Post this error should be resolved.

Code 42: A duplicate device already running in the system

Sometimes Windows gets confused because of an identical subprocess, which results in Error Code 42. When you check on the status of the device in Device Manager, it will say-

Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because there is a duplicate device already running in the system. (Code 42)

The error could also happen when a device with a serial number is discovered in a new location before it is removed from the old location.

The only way to resolve this is to restart your Windows PC, and it will automatically put things back into place.

Code 44: An application or service has shut down this hardware device

Hardware devices are controlled by the OS, Application, and even services. Since they can completely interact with the devices, they are rebooted to ensure the operation is smooth. However, it may so happen that the device is shut down and never rebooted. This is where you get the error –

An application or service has shut down this hardware device (Code 44).

It is interesting to note that Error code 44 can appear at any time. It could be during program installation, or during Windows Startup, or even shut down. To resolve this, all you need to do is restart your computer, and it should fix it.

However, if this also doesn’t solve the problem, it could be a corrupt registry. You can use a registry cleaner to get rid of all corrupted and invalid entries. Then reboot your computer to see if the issue was resolved.

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Code 46:  Windows cannot gain access to this hardware device

Sometimes the device, even though listed in the Device Manager, is not accessible by the Windows.  In case you got this error message as a pop-up, it usually means that some process was trying to access it but failed because the system is shutting down.

Windows cannot gain access to this hardware device because the operating system is in the process of shutting down. The hardware device should work correctly next time you start your computer. (Code 46)

The good news is that you do not have to resolve this issue, but when you restart the system, the application or process will reaccess it and get its work done.

Note: This error code is only set when Driver Verifier is enabled, and all applications have already been shut down.

Code 47: Windows cannot use this hardware device

The most prominent thing you will remember about using a USB device is the Safe Eject. When doing so, if you get to see Error Code 47 for one such device, it means it’s in the process of ejection. The full error message for such a scenario is :

Windows cannot use this hardware device because it has been prepared for safe removal, but it has not been removed from the computer. To fix this problem, unplug this device from your computer and then plug it in again. (Code 47)

While the process hardly takes any time, but in case it gets stuck, and Windows is still preparing the device for removal or pressed a physical eject button, then follow the below method.

You can either unplug and plug it back in (make sure there is no file copy or move in the process), or you can restart your computer to do a reset for this status.

Code 48: The software for this device has been blocked

This error code 48 shows up usually when upgrading from one feature update to another. If, during internal testing, a device with a device is reported to be creating a problem, and the OEM did not offer an update, you will see this message.

The software for this device has been blocked from starting because it is known to have problems with Windows. Contact the hardware vendor for a new driver. (Code 48)

The only correct solution is to install a compatible driver that works with the current version of Windows. You will need to check with the OEM to know if there is a new update. If not, then you may try installing the only driver with compatibility mode to see if the problem resolves for you.

Code 50: Windows cannot apply all of the properties for this device

Every device comes with multiple functions. The drivers make sure Windows can identify each of these properties to make use of its functionality. However, if you are getting Error Code 50 for any of the devices, it means that Windows cannot apply all the properties of that device.  The full Error message includes

Windows cannot apply all of the properties for this device. Device properties may include information that describes the device’s capabilities and settings (such as security settings, for example). To fix this problem, you can try reinstalling this device. However,we recommend that you contact the hardware manufacturer for a new driver. (Code50)

The only way to fix this problem is to reinstall the device and then reload the drivers again. If possible, figure out the latest version of the driver from the OEMs website and install it manually.

  • Right-click on the device in the list, and choose to uninstall.
  • Then scan for new hardware changes in the device manager.
  • Once it figures out new hardware, you will have the option to reinstall the driver manually.
  • Once installed, reboot your computer to Windows can apply all the settings.

Code 51: This device is currently waiting on another device

It is possible that devices need to wait for each other to either complete some work or just have to be in sequence. If you are getting error code 51, then it means that the device is currently waiting on another device or set of devices to start. The thing about the situation is that there is no resolution, and you need to leave as it is. Unless the device fails, you really have no solution. If the issue stays around much longer, then you may want to reboot your Windows 10 computer.

You can also check if other devices failed in the Device Manager because of which this device has gone into internal wait. Restart your computer or fix another device to resolve this. Also, make sure to run the Hardware Troubleshooter.

Code 52: Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers

If you are getting an error message saying, “Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. (Code 52), then it means that driver may be unsigned or corrupted. The full error message goes like-

Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. (Code 52)

You may have downloaded an unsigned driver from somewhere and tried installing it. If that’s not the case, then the driver files have been corrupted because of some reason. In either case, you will need to reinstall the driver again. Make sure you download it from the Device vendors website.

Code 53: This device has been reserved for use by the Windows kernel debugger

Kernel Debugging helps one to find out issues in detail, so if you see Code 53 on a device listed under Device Manager, it means that it has reserved for use by the Windows kernel debugger for the duration of this boot session. (Code 53). This mostly happens when an IT admin or someone who has enough knowledge about Windows 10 Kernel Debugging is trying to troubleshoot issues around the device.

To resolve this issue, you will need to have admin privileges and access to the credit command. In the command prompt, type and execute bcdedit /debug off. Sobald Sie das Windows-Kernel-Debugging deaktivieren, kann das Gerät normal starten.

Code 54 – Dieses Gerät ist ausgefallen und wird gerade zurückgesetzt

Manchmal muss Windows oder das Gerät selbst neu gestartet werden. Es ist zwar normalerweise schnell, aber wenn Sie es geschafft haben, ein Gerät in einem solchen Zustand zu erwischen, gibt es den Fehlercode 54 aus. Dies ist ein zeitweiliger Problemcode, der zugewiesen wird, während eine ACPI-Reset-Methode ausgeführt wird. Während es sich nach einer Weile automatisch löst, bleibt das Gerät in diesem Zustand hängen, wenn es aufgrund eines Fehlers nie neu gestartet wird, und ein Neustart des Systems ist erforderlich. Starten Sie also einfach Ihren Windows 10-PC neu und überprüfen Sie den Status des Geräts im Geräte-Manager erneut. Es sollte für immer weg sein.

Ich hoffe, dieser Beitrag hilft Ihnen.

Fehlercodes Des Geräte-Managers Unter Windows 10


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